Added Testimonials to Website
What did we do?
Went through and pulled testimonials from the years of eBay and surrounded them with keyword specific text that we’re targeting. The goal being to drive users to specific high-ranking pages and give them the content they’re looking for quicker.
Why is this important?
Google is like a hungry monster, saying “Feed me!” over and over again. We can’t just give it some brief content updates, it needs to be a consistant stream of food. Bringing those reviews over from another platform to your specific website will let Google index more pages that link back to your own website with relevant keywords that we decide on. Google loves pages and content 🙂
The content we are surround reviews with.
This is just a dump of that content for reference purposes. Well, that and Big Commerce keeps bumping me to another page for clicking on a link to update it, then erasing my content… frustrating.
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