Initial Web Design Configuration
Tyler TX Web Design Setup
When setting up any website, we make sure you get started on the right foot. In addition to developing a beautiful web design, we ensure that it loads as quickly as possible. With that in mind, we set up:
- Caching system (we use Litespeed technologies over here.)
- A Content Delivery Network (CDN) for fast image and asset delivery.
- Google Analytics (GA) to track where our users are coming from and how they are interacting with the website.
- Google Search Console (GSC) to submit our pages to Google and see how Google reads all of the various pages and structure that we’ve built.
Website Speed Testing
In case you’re curious how the website performs speed wise, we ran a speed test on GTmetrix using settings that would be found in the real world. The results are just where we want them with the website loading in 1.3 seconds and the user’s initial full view of the website happening within that first second! Woohoo!
You can view the full website design speed report here:
Keyword Rankings
We’ve identified a number of keywords to track in the area and at the time of writing this article none are showing on Google. Time will change that though. We’ve got your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) under control!